Sunday, March 23, 2008

What is The True Meaning Of Love?

The true meaning of love,Is it really possible to get a definition of love that would be widely acceptable to people all over the world?
Well, this is the explanation I got from Advanced Learner Dictionary (6th edition):
A strong feeling of deep affection for somebody/something, especially a member of your family.
A strong feeling of affection for somebody that you are sexually attracted to. The strong feeling of enjoyment that something gives you. A person , a thing or an activity that you like very much.
The search for love has actually put some people into the everlasting state of happiness, sidetrack some into complete state of being lovelorn, sent some people to psychiatric homes, while it has equally sent some to the great beyond. It has different meaning to different people, the dictionary meaning or whichever meaning that might be given to the word ‘Love’ would only be meaningful when given by the people involved in the ‘game of love’
The following are excerpts from opinions sought from people online on this topic :
Love differs from heart to heart, love can be good and can be bad. To love and be loved is the perfect ingredients to happiness but to love and not be loved will be a darkness in your soul. Being in love is like a drop of water after years of draught, it eases your soul’s agonies of life. Being in love is a feeling not all humans will experience. So if you have it cherish it.......just love it.
Love is never tired of waiting; love is kind; love has no envy; love has no high opinion of itself, love has no pride; love's ways are ever fair, it takes no thought for itself; it is not quickly made angry, it keeps no accounts of wrong; it takes no pleasure in wrongdoing, but has joy in what is true; love has the power of undergoing all things, having faith in all things, hoping all things. Though, the prophet's word may come to an end, tongues come to nothing, and knowledge have no more value, love has no end.
Love has never been defined since man began, so we have to use our own hearts and minds to decide. Love isn't all about looking at a good looking woman/man and hearing fireworks go off all the time. That's usually physical attraction, but it's normal at the beginning of our relationship. Love is respect, wanting to help that person in any aspect of their lives; protect them from harm's way; knowing that each other will be there 100%; feeling safe with that person; proud of being with them; sharing your hopes and dreams together; and my favorite ... feeling like you can conquer the world together! Knowing you will be together no matter what and continue on until the day you pass away.
If we aren't happy with ourselves and tripping over ourselves to always please our partner without expecting anything back, then I don't call this love at all. One thing most of us have made mistakes over is wanting a 100% perfection in relationships and there is no such beast! Love has never been defined because it means different things to different people. Going to bed and making love is only an expression of love, but it's the tough stuff in between and sticking together that is the closest to love I've found.
True love is when one cares about someone else's well being as much as one cares about one's own. Making someone else happy is certainly important, and yet one's own happiness in addition to that and as a result of that is what genuinely is true. True love stands together in equality and balance to what is honest, true and caring and not only about romantic love. It is a kindness of heart, soul, and mind. True love can be definite and is also a given, known and reciprocated when two people "share" in it.
Love is putting up with the arguments with that person and arguing your family down for them. Love is always being there but I don't think when you love some one you should love them more than oneself because that is totally unhealthy. Love is a feeling, an emotion that cannot be explained. Either you feel it or you don't. We call it 'love' because there is no explanation for it. It is not a rational, predetermined action. When you can't rationalize that feeling then you call it love.
Love has no meaning at all! It is the very essence of our being, It is Life itself. "Infinite Love is all there is, everything else is Illusion". Enjoy it! There is nothing else to do.
"Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast. It is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails!"
Love is not something that can be explained it is a feeling that each and everyone should feel at least once in their life (hopefully). Of course it can be expressed but as for explained well it is difficult as everyone’s love is different. Love is a feeling that only the 2 people involved can understand, and if you don’t understand it yet then just wait. Don't try to find a meaning for something which you can’t. Love is everywhere it is something to be found and then understand, not explained. There is no explanation that is anywhere near what loving someone and being loved by the same person is.
Love is the great obsession or passion for another sole being. The feeling that you cannot live without them, or you wouldn’t imagine a world without them. They also fill you with joy. You even argue with this person, but always seem to get through. You look out for this person, and never let them in harms way. Once you feel that for another person, then you'll know the true meaning of love.. love is the ultimatum between everything. love is what makes the world spin and what also can make your head spin. if you've never been in love than you don't know what I mean, but that's what love is. when you're truly in love, your head spins, your hearts skips a beat and everything is perfect. when you're with the one you love, you feel like nothing bad can happen to you. when you're with the one you love, you're home. it's perfection. that's what love is to me. And this…..
And lastly…the story of a lady who was working in a nursing home, where over the years she has seen some of the most touching displays of love. For example, she used to work with a little old lady about age 87 with advanced stage Alzheimer’s (A serious disease, especially affecting older people, that prevents the brain from functioning normally and causes loss of memory, loss of ability to speak clearly, e.t.c.) She couldn't speak but would still smile at you all day. Her husband, who was of sound mind, would come every single day, rain or shine, to sit and walk around with her. The person she used to be is completely gone and yet he still is by her side every day. At the risk of sounding maudlin. Hear her…. “if that’s not true love, then I don’t know what is. I can only hope to be so lucky one day!”
What Do You Think ?
Olalekan Ashiru
About the Author
My Name is 'Lekan Ashiru , In my late thirties, the only Boy in the forth position in a family of six. I'm married with two Kids, a Girl and a Boy. I'm a former Banker now an Entrepreneur aspiring to move to greater heights.
I'm also a Motivational, Inspirational and Relationship Counsellor, I offer counsell

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