Sunday, March 23, 2008

Simple Ways To Be More Sexually Adventurous

Some people just don't understand human sexuality. Somebody once said they couldn't understand the big deal about sex. They observed the human body hasn't changed in thousands of years and there are only so many ways to have sex, so why does everybody get excited about finding the best way or better ways to have sex or worry about being 'sexually adventurous'.

This person certainly doesn't understand what sex is about. It's not about intercourse and not even orgasm. Although those play an important part, great sex is about the intimacy you experience as you journey through foreplay, intercourse and orgasm.
Great sex is about the emotional, physical and sometimes even spiritual experiences you share with another person as you both progress to that moment of satisfaction. Sensations which cannot be experienced in any other way, except through the intimacy of sexual activity, sexual union and sexual orgasm.
Not all sex is intimate, but all intimate sex is great sex. Truly intimate sex can not be explained. It's like describing the taste of salt to someone who has never tasted salt.
Unfortunately this level of sexual intimacy can be challenging to enjoy. The programming we accept as we develop often interferes with our ability to experience truly great intimate sex. But if you look at this challenge as an adventure, then you can share some great adventures with your sexual partner and enjoy great intimate sex.
All great journeys or adventures begin with simple small steps. As your knowledge and experience grows, your knowledge and understanding of yourself and your partner allows you to enjoy grander adventures. Here are some things you can do to become more Sexually Adventurous:
1. Examine your beliefs about sex. Do your beliefs about sex serve you well? Do you think of sexual activity with your spouse in a negative way? If so why? Human sexual desire is like fire. It can be a wonderful tool for creating a warm and pleasant home life and for kindling new life. Out of control it wreaks damage and destruction. Use sex in your marriage to create happy, joyful and adventuresome experiences.
2. Get comfortable and familiar with your own body. You won't be able to teach someone else the best ways to pleasure you if you don't have an idea of what you like. Learn what gives you pleasure so you can share that knowledge with your partner.
3. Learn to feel sexy and attractive. Most of us are not ever going to be drop dead gorgeous. But remember you only have to be attractive to two people--yourself and your mate. Nobody else really matters. You have to be attractive to yourself so you can feel sexually confident and sensual. And I guarantee, if you are attractive to yourself, you will be VERY attractive to your mate. So be honest with yourself and if you need to make some changes, DO IT!
4. Be seductive and sensual towards your mate. This may sound difficult but really its not. Think of someone you know who you consider to be very seductive and alluring. It could be someone famous or just someone you know. Then model that person. I mean do what you see them do, move your body like they do. Imagine what you think they are thinking and think the same things. Imagine what they are feeling and imagine feeling the same way. This may sound silly but research has demonstrated over and over this type of neuro-conditioning can produce instant changes in a person's behavior and results.
5. Ladies assemble a wardrobe of what makes YOU feel sexy and sultry. All too often men buy their passion queen a piece of lingerie they think will look fantastic on her only to have it disappear in the back of her underwear drawer. Ladies don't put your well intentioned man through this type of rejection. Instead, spend some time trying on a discovering what YOU like to wear, that makes YOU feel sexy and beautiful. Keep his tastes in mind as you shop but the most important thing is that YOU like it, YOU will wear it and it makes YOU feel sexy. Then if you want to get his fires burning wrap it up and give it to him saying "Look what you bought for me today. I really like it and it makes me feel beautiful and sexy. Thank you so much." Now have him open it and take a look. Then say "Oh by the way, I will model it for you later." One important note: As you make your selections consider getting items you can wear comfortably all day long-this way YOU can enjoy feeling sexy and beautiful all day long and build up to being sexual and sensuous with your partner later on.
6. Turn your bedroom into a boudoir. Add things to your bedroom that increases the sensuality of the room. Add candles and more pillows. Put a red or black light near the bed. Add a small stereo that can play your favorite sultry music.
7. Get a toy box or designate a night stand drawer as a toy box and put a vibrator, some personal lubrication, and some small hand towels in it. Include any other items you may need such as massage oil, condoms or a lighter for the candles.
Being sexually adventurous is more in the mind than in the bedroom. Become more sexually adventurous in your mind and your actions will naturally follow. What better place to go on a sexual safari than in your own bedroom with your adventuring partner.
About the Author
To learn more ways to be sexually adventurous, download my free guide, '44 Things Men Like About a Woman When It Comes to SEX!' here: 'Your Tips to a Healthy Happy Sex Life Guide'.
David Christian Solomon is an independent writer/researcher helping people enjoy healthy happy lives through the use of nutrition, diet, exercise and lifestyle choices.

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