Monday, April 1, 2013

Who chooses my life partner, me or God?

Who chooses my life partner, me or God?
Firstly, if you are willing to study the account in Genesis without what I call a traditional bias, you will notice that even for Adam God did not choose. The problem is that the truth in there is too much for a lot of Xtians to agree with. But, check it yourself with an unbiased and unreligious mind.

In verse 18, God said Adam's situation was not good. Verse 19 begins with "And". To me, that links it with v18. Agreed? See the end part of v20. After the semi-colon it goes on with "but". Again, "but" is a conjunction which linked what was coming with what was to follow. Agreed? Then the very next verse starts with "And". The rule we agreed upon above applies here again. It was because an help was not found for Adam among the animals that the Lord took the next action. I know that this will blow the mind of a lot of people but I am simply following what I find in the bible. My proof? See what Adam said in v23. "This NOW is bone of my bones and....". What does "This Now" imply? It implies, "all the ones before were not my type"! God gave him chance to choose!!!

Now in the case of Adam, only two people were involved in the decision-making--Adam and God. In our day it is three people--Man, Woman and God. So I believe it should always be when finding a wife or husband. The bible says "he that findeth a wife findeth a good thing". What is the meaning of "find"? Friend, there is a finding to do. The only thing is that God must be involved in the finding exercise.

Concerning one sister or the other, you need to pray and find out if God is saying OK to the whole idea. That is very important because as human beings you can see only the outside it is God who sees the inside. You can see only today, it is God who can see tomorrow. You need to let God help you because He can see much more and far more than you can see. Deciding to whom you get married is based on a good relationship between you and God.
You ask God to guide you and He will. You can discuss it. You can work it out. The only thing is that you must be sincere with yourself. It is a three-legged arrangement. You must want it. She must agree. GOD must agree. Once any of the three does not tow the line, it will not work.

Should women cover their heads while in church?
I would like to approach your question this way: You will not see my wife not covering her head but it does not make her better than those who do not cover. Supposing one covers the head but is very unforgiving? Not covering the head will not prevent a person from going to heaven. Lying will prevent a Christian from going to heaven and yet people do not make much ado about it.

The issue of women covering their heads was in respect of a very important Eastern custom. Married women symbolized their submission to their husbands' authority by having their head covered. A woman that failed to cover her head dishonoured her head (i.e. her husband). This was a burden to many of the women who saw Christianity as "liberation come" and were going to start "feeling free". This was going to attract opposition and Paul had to do what he did because really, Christianity also supports the headship of the man in the home. If you would read without a religious bias, you would notice that it was a tough argument even for Paul, ending with, "If anyone is still debating it, we have no such CUSTOM, neither the churches of God".

To show you again that it is culture, read Gen 24. Rebecca was coming without covering her head all along. But when she was told that the man ahead was her husband she covered. That shows us that it was not compulsory for single women. It was a symbol for the married to signify that they were under a man's authority.

Also, Jesus did not seem to attach much importance to this issue. Remember a lady came wiping His feet with her hair? She was not covered in the presence of the very son of God!!! Jesus did not rebuke her. The covering of head is a minor issue in Christianity and it should not be allowed to be a contentious issue. Why do we love to ignore leprosy and worry over eczema?

You see, these are the things that divide us. Let us place less emphasis on them. Let us major in the majors and minor in the minors.
Adapted from E-Life Magazine

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Of course its up to us to choose our life partner, but the instance is bu God, its not in our hand, and its all about the destiny, We are just a medium and all these pairs are already made in heaven hyderabad escorts Independent hyderabad escortshyderabad escorts serviceshyderabad Independent EscortsEscorts in hyderabad